14 research outputs found

    Chapter 12 Individual Work Pricing by Non-fungible Personal Tokens (“NFT Gig Tokens”) – a New Opportunity for Gig Workers

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    The COVID-19 pandemic transformed the way people operate in all fields of their activity – individual, social, economic, cultural, civic, to name the most essential spheres. One of the crucial changes to the rules existing within pre-pandemic societies was the modification of the work environment and principles (Ralph et al., 2020; Masood et al., 2022). The patterns developed within the gig economy, which are based on the idea of flexibility and the use of technological communication platforms, proved to be the most common response to the change (Diab- Bahman & Al-Enzi, 2020). When it comes to specific problems that were highlighted by the pandemic, the issue of labour pricing occurred to be of concern. The development of online communication tools created new opportunities to provide services and share results of one’s work via the Internet. It is worth noting that even before the COVID-19, the issue of work valuation was crucial for some groups, for example, for artists. The token became an important way of work monetisation both for them and the new services providers. More and more one hears about artists converting their artworks (the results of their work) into non-fungible tokens (NFT tokens). But will only celebrities (artists, actors, and influencers) use this tool in the future? This question occurred to be an extremely relevant matter in a (post)pandemic world. It seems that NFT gig tokens are an answer to the challenges occurring on the labour market, related to the popularisation of the employment model in the gig economy and the issue of valuing work offered by gig workers

    Davidson i Rorty o metaforze

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    W słynnym tekście What Metaphors Mean Donald Davidson zaproponował niezwykle nowatorskie podejście do zagadnienia metafory. Stwierdził mianowicie, że nie przysługuje jej żadne inne znaczenie poza znaczeniem dosłownym. Zerwał tym samym z tradycyjnym przekonaniem – podzielanym przez fi lozofów i lingwistów – że metafora posiada dodatkowe znaczenie fi guratywne, w którym jest zakodowana treść poznawcza. Przekonanie to, według Davidsona, wynika z błędnego utożsamienia domniemanego znaczenia z efektem, jaki metafora wywołuje w odbiorcy – z myślami, jakie prowokuje, podobieństwami, które pomaga dostrzec. Metafora, twierdzi Davidson – tak jak żart, obraz czy uderzenie kogoś w głowę – znajduje się poza granicami semantyki i jest kwestią użycia. Artykuł zestawia teorię metafory Davidsona z jej interpretacją dokonaną przez Richarda Rorty’ego, który czyni z niej fundament swojej szeroko zakrojonej wizji zmian słowników składających się na historię ludzkiej myśli. Według autorki, interpretacja Rorty’ego, chociaż śmiała i kontrowersyjna, jest mimo to przekonująca, niezwykle płodna i oferuje cenny wgląd w rozumienie działania metafory

    Michel de Ghelderode's "Escurial"- a play for the theatre

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    W mojej pracy zgłębiam problem teatralności dzieła Michel’a de Ghelderode Escurial z roku 1927. Opierając się na głębokiej analizie miejsca, czasu akcji i bohaterów, kładę nacisk na ogromną rolę didaskaliów (scenicznych i literackich), które obecne są w dramacie. Następnie podkreślam wpływ genezy dzieła wynikającej z jego korzeni malarskich i opisuję warstwę muzyczną Escurial’a. Wszystkie te aspekty łącznie z motywem teatru w teatrze zawartym w dziele, wyznaczają jego teatralność. Moja praca dowodzi odwrócenia tradycyjnego zastosowania tego motywu poprzez analizę zamiany ról głównych bohaterów. Poprzez refleksje na temat metody terapeutycznej o nazwie psychodrama (która ma zastosowanie odwrotne w przypadku Ecurial’a) dochodzę do opisu zadań stojących przed aktorami, którzy muszą stawić czoła wyzwaniu jakim jest gra w sztuce o tak dużej teatralności.In my dissertation, I take a look into the scenic values of Michel de Ghelderode’s Escurial from the 1927. According to a deep analysis of the place, the time of the action and of the heroes, I focus on a significant role of the stage directions (scenic and literary) which are presented in the play. Next, I emphasize the drama’s pictural source and I describe the musical layer of Escurial. All of these aspects, including the motif of the theatre inside a theatre presented in a play, determine his theatrality. My dissertation prooves an inversion of the traditional application of the motif through the analysis of the role change of the main caracters. According to the reflection about the therapeutic method of the psychodramę (which is inversed in the play) I come across to the description of the quests for the actors who must face a challenge which is to play in a drama of such a big scenic values.Dans le cadre de mon mémoire j’aborde la question des qualités scéniques de l’œuvre de Michel de Ghelderode Escurial de 1927. En s’apppuyant sur une analyse profonde de lieu, de temps de l’action et des personnages, j’insiste sur la valeur importante des didascalies (scéniques et littéraires) qui se manifeste dans la piece. Ensuite je souligne l’influence des sources picturales et je décris la couche musicale d’Escurial. Ces facteurs, aussi bien que le procédé du théâtre dans le théâtre qui est présent dans l’œuvre, manifestent l’importance de sa théâtralité. Mon mémoire démontre l’inversion de l’application traditionnelle de ce motif en analysant l’échangement des rôles des deux heros principaux. Par des réfléxions sur la méthode thérapeutique de psychodrame (qui est perturbé dans le cas d’Escurial) je finis par la description des tâches des acteurs qui doivent faire face à un grand défi de jouer dans la pièce des véritables qualités scéniques

    Attitudes of representatives of generation Z towards climate challenges in the context of the Planetary Boundaries

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    The main aim of the article is to present the research on axiological attitudes among high school students in Poland, referring to their interest in ecological issues and the desire to be a conscious, active participant in the ongoing discussion. The article describes four attitudes among students representing generation Z – distinguished on the basis of k-means cluster analysis. These attitudes were identified as the expression of a specific evaluation of each of nine ecological issues, elaborated within the Planetary Boundaries model. The evaluative statements clustered into attitudes (apathetic, uninterested, interested, engaged) were discussed in the context of the knowledge about climate challenges declared by young people, opinions about responsibility for solving climate problems and willingness to take pro-climate actions. Finally, educational recommendations were formulated

    Chapter 12 Individual Work Pricing by Non-fungible Personal Tokens (“NFT Gig Tokens”) – a New Opportunity for Gig Workers

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    The COVID-19 pandemic transformed the way people operate in all fields of their activity – individual, social, economic, cultural, civic, to name the most essential spheres. One of the crucial changes to the rules existing within pre-pandemic societies was the modification of the work environment and principles (Ralph et al., 2020; Masood et al., 2022). The patterns developed within the gig economy, which are based on the idea of flexibility and the use of technological communication platforms, proved to be the most common response to the change (Diab- Bahman & Al-Enzi, 2020). When it comes to specific problems that were highlighted by the pandemic, the issue of labour pricing occurred to be of concern. The development of online communication tools created new opportunities to provide services and share results of one’s work via the Internet. It is worth noting that even before the COVID-19, the issue of work valuation was crucial for some groups, for example, for artists. The token became an important way of work monetisation both for them and the new services providers. More and more one hears about artists converting their artworks (the results of their work) into non-fungible tokens (NFT tokens). But will only celebrities (artists, actors, and influencers) use this tool in the future? This question occurred to be an extremely relevant matter in a (post)pandemic world. It seems that NFT gig tokens are an answer to the challenges occurring on the labour market, related to the popularisation of the employment model in the gig economy and the issue of valuing work offered by gig workers

    Influence of an Alkoxylation Grade of Acrylates on Shrinkage of UV-Curable Compositions

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    Commercially available UV curable restorative materials are composed of inorganic filler hydroxyapatite, multifunctional methacrylate, photoinitiator and alkoxylated acrylate. Especially, the application of alkoxylated monomers with different alkoxylation grade allows the reduction of polymerization shrinkage which plays the major role by application of low shrinkage composites as high quality restorative dental materials or other adhesive materials in the form of UV-polymerized self-adhesive acrylics layers (films). There are several ways to reduce polymerization shrinkage of restorative compositions, for example, by adjusting different alkoxylated acrylic monomers, which are integral part of investigated UV curable restorative composites. This article is focused on the studies of contraction-stress measured as shrinkage during UV-initiated curing of restorative composites containing various commercially available alkoxylated acrylates. Moreover, studies with experimental restorative materials and recent developments typical for UV curing technology using special photoreactive monomers are described

    Preparation and Characterization of Acrylic Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives Crosslinked with UV Radiation-Influence of Monomer Composition on Adhesive Properties

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    In this study, syntheses of acrylate copolymers were performed based on the monomers butyl acrylate (BA), 2-ethylhexyl acrylate (2-EHA), and acrylic acid (AA) and the second-type unsaturated photoinitiator 4-acryloyloxybenzophenone (ABP). The structure of the obtained copolymers was confirmed via FT-IR spectroscopic analysis, and the viscosity and the content of non-volatile substances were determined. The adhesive films were then coated and cross-linked using ultraviolet radiation in the UV-C range at various doses (5–50 mJ/cm2). Due to the dependence of the self-adhesive properties of the adhesive layer on the basis weight, various basis weights of the layer in the range of 30–120 g/m2 were tested. Finally, the self-adhesive properties were assessed: tack, peel adhesion, shear strength (cohesion) at 20 °C and 70 °C, as well as the SAFT test and shrinkage. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the type of monomer used, the dose of ultraviolet radiation, and the basis weight on the self-adhesive and usable properties of the obtained self-adhesive tapes

    Photocatalytic cofactor regeneration involving triethanolamine revisited: The critical role of glycolaldehyde

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    Triethanolamine is a widely used model electron donor that enables a fast screening of the photocatalyst parameters in both, homogeneous and heterogeneous scenarios. We report a new role of triethanolamine in heterogeneous photoregeneration of cofactor molecules – nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) – using state-of-the-art heterogeneous photocatalysts. In contrast to the common model involving the light-induced electrons and holes generation to reduce the substrate and oxidize triethanolamine simultaneously, we identified glycolaldehyde as a stable product of triethanolamine degradation capable of reducing NAD+. Triethanolamine, apart from playing a role of a precursor for reducing agent, maintains the alkalinity of the solution to drive the reduction. Our findings offer a fresh insight into the triethanolamine-assisted photocatalysis because glycolaldehyde as such have generally been neglected in mechanistic considerations. Moreover, a spatial and temporal decoupling of the photocatalyst from the substrate reduction reaction minimizes the product re-oxidation, thus implying a relevant feature for the real-world applications using a continuous flow setting.F. V. would like to thank ScotChem for the financial support. Y. R. would like to thank The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (grant no. 14.Y26.31.0011).Peer reviewe